Friday, 29 July 2011

Formula one TV rights row

I returned home from a weeks holiday to find that soon Formula One coverage will now be shared with Sky. Now before I jump on my high horse I should explain that I have SkySports so it will not affect my viewing.
The point is when F1 was on ITV the commercial breaks ruined the viewing and based on this season when could you jump to an advert. The way this season has gone you are going to miss something. People didn't mind the football predominantly being on Sky because the cash injection helped the game. Some might say that that has gone to far now and F1 like budget rules should be in place.
The biggest worry for me is the quality of programme that Sky will provide. The BBC have just got a good team with Brundle and Coulthard's chemistry being both entertaining and informative. As an avid sports fan it is the sport that the BBC shows that makes the license fee bearable. Are the BBC now going to reduce license prices. I doubt it. So now I am supposed to pay just as much for half the viewing.
The BBC may full well show extended highlights after the race on weekends when Sky is showing the race but it won't be the same.
Maybe the time for the BBC to change it's organisation is upon us and a more business attitude is needed. Nobody will object to an increased license fee if the quality of programming was better. Instead of family favourites being re-run they opt for new programmes that are not a shade on BBC classics.
Then there is Joe Bloggs who until now didn't bother with Sky but will have to consider buying a package just to watch programmes the BBC is to poor to show.
And if everybody stopped watching TV and paying their license fee to "cut costs" where would that leave the BBC. At the moment it is funded by the public yet we have no say as to what we watch. In it's day the BBC was an institution to be proud of but nowadays it is slipping behind the times. Auntie please sort yourself out. We want to remain loyal to the Beeb so please make it easier for us.

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